otrs -> rel-6_0 API documentation


Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::Backend::Base - base class for article backends


This is a base class for article backends and should not be instantiated directly.

package Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::Backend::MyBackend;
use strict;
use warnings;

use parent qw(Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::Backend::Base);

# methods go here



Do not instantiate this class, instead use the real article backend classes. Also, don't use the constructor directly, use the ObjectManager instead:

my $ArticleBackendObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::Backend::MyBackend');


Returns name of the communication channel used by the article backend. Used internally. Override this method in your backend class.

my $ChannelName = $ArticleBackendObject->ChannelNameGet();
$ChannelName = 'MyBackend';


Returns 1 if article has HTML content.

my $ArticleHasHTMLContent = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleHasHTMLContent(
    TicketID  => 1,
    ArticleID => 2,
    UserID    => 1,


$ArticleHasHTMLContent = 1;     # or 0


Returns registered communication channel ID. Same for all article backends, don't override this particular method. In case of invalid article backend, this method will return false value.

my $ChannelID = $ArticleBackendObject->ChannelIDGet();
$ChannelID = 1;


Create an article. Override this method in your class.

my $ArticleID = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleCreate(
    TicketID             => 123,
    SenderType           => 'agent',    # agent|system|customer
    IsVisibleForCustomer => 1,
    UserID               => 123,

    # Backend specific parameters:
    # From    => 'Some Agent <email@example.com>',
    # To      => 'Some Customer A <customer-a@example.com>',
    # Subject => 'some short description',
    # ...

Events: ArticleCreate


Update an article. Override this method in your class.

my $Success = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleUpdate(
    TicketID  => 123,
    ArticleID => 123,
    Key       => 'Body',
    Value     => 'New Body',
    UserID    => 123,

Events: ArticleUpdate


Returns article data. Override this method in your class.

my %Article = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleGet(
    TicketID      => 123,
    ArticleID     => 123,
    DynamicFields => 1,

    # Backend specific parameters:
    # RealNames => 1,


Delete an article. Override this method in your class.

my $Success = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleDelete(
    TicketID  => 123,
    ArticleID => 123,
    UserID    => 123,


Get article attachment index as hash.

my %Index = $ArticleBackendObject->BackendSearchableFieldsGet();


my %BackendSearchableFieldsGet = {
    From    => 'from',
    To      => 'to',
    Cc      => 'cc',
    Subject => 'subject',
    Body    => 'body',


Get article attachment index as hash.

my %Index = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleSearchableContentGet(
    TicketID       => 123,   # (required)
    ArticleID      => 123,   # (required)
    DynamicFields  => 1,     # (optional) To include the dynamic field values for this article on the return structure.
    RealNames      => 1,     # (optional) To include the From/To/Cc fields with real names.
    UserID         => 123,   # (required)


my %ArticleSearchData = [
    'From'    => 'Test User1 <testuser1@example.com>',
    'To'      => 'Test User2 <testuser2@example.com>',
    'Cc'      => 'Test User3 <testuser3@example.com>',
    'Subject' => 'This is a test subject!',
    'Body'    => 'This is a body text!',


Use following functions from backends only.


Create a new article.

my $ArticleID = $Self->_MetaArticleCreate(
    TicketID             => 123,
    SenderType           => 'agent',    # agent|system|customer
    IsVisibleForCustomer => 0,
    CommunicationChannel => 'Email',
    UserID               => 1,

Alternatively, you can pass in IDs too:

my $ArticleID = $Self->_MetaArticleCreate(
    TicketID               => 123,
    SenderTypeID           => 1,
    IsVisibleForCustomer   => 0,
    CommunicationChannelID => 2,
    UserID                 => 1,


Update an article.

Note: Keys SenderType, SenderTypeID and IsVisibleForCustomer are implemented.

my $Success = $Self->_MetaArticleUpdate(
    TicketID  => 123,                    # (required)
    ArticleID => 123,                    # (required)
    Key       => 'IsVisibleForCustomer', # (optional) If not provided, only ChangeBy and ChangeTime will be updated.
    Value     => 1,                      # (optional)
    UserID    => 123,                    # (required)

my $Success = $Self->_MetaArticleUpdate(
    TicketID  => 123,
    ArticleID => 123,
    Key       => 'SenderType',
    Value     => 'agent',
    UserID    => 123,

Events: MetaArticleUpdate


Get article meta data.

my %Article = $Self->_MetaArticleGet(
    ArticleID => 42,
    TicketID  => 23,


%Article = (
    ArticleID              => 1,
    TicketID               => 2,
    CommunicationChannelID => 1,
    SenderTypeID           => 1,
    IsVisibleForCustomer   => 0,
    CreateTime             => ...,
    CreateBy               => ...,
    ChangeTime             => ...,
    ChangeBy               => ...,


Delete an article. This must be called after all backend data has been deleted.

my $Success = $Self->_MetaArticleDelete(
    ArticleID => 123,
    UserID    => 123,
    TicketID  => 123,


Returns article content with dynamic fields.

my %Data = $Self->_MetaArticleDynamicFieldsGet(
    Data => {            # (required) article data
        TicketID  => 1,
        ArticleID => 1,
        From      => 'agent@mail.org',
        To        => 'customer@mail.org',

Returns: %Data = ( TicketID => 1, ArticleID => 1, From => 'agent@mail.org', To => 'customer@mail.org', ..., DynamicField_A => 'Value A', ... );


This software is part of the OTRS project (https://otrs.org/).

This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.